How To Make A Handmade Mother's Day Card With Kids

Since becoming a Mum I’ve looked forward to those handmade cards for Christmas and Mother’s Day from nursery, hand prints smudged onto paper and covered with glitter. But with many not in nursery or pre school at the moment I thought it would be fun to do something at home, or rather direct the other parent to do with them instead :)

With two little ones now I wanted to create something that they could both do and that could be sent to Grandma, Nanny etc too so here are two different handmade cards for all abilities.

For the small ones

  1. Find a piece of card or a ready made card if you have one and add washi or masking tape in a rectangle shape in the centre.

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2. Place in a freezer bag and squirt in some paint in the colours of your choice.

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3. Close securely and then let them squidge it about to their hearts content!

4. When they’ve had they’re fun take the card out of the bag, leave to dry & then carefully remove the tape.

5. When it’s dry print out your favourite picture and stick in the middle!

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Big ones

  1. Find a piece of card to fold or a ready made card if you have one.

  2. Draw a heart in the middle at the front and cut out carefully. I would recommend you do this bit unless your kids are a whiz with scissors! Make a small incision in the centre by folding slightly and then cut out to the edges until the shape can be removed.

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3. Get another piece of card or paper and cut to a square/rectangle slightly bigger than your heart shape.

4. Give your small person some old magazines/tissue paper/coloured paper to rip up into small pieces. then with a glue stick, let them stick all the pieces of coloured paper down to cover the square/rectangle.

5. When it’s dry stick the card with the coloured paper on behind the heart you have already cut out and clue or stick down with tape.

6. Add a message to the front and/or inside and you’re done!

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So there we have it, a couple of card ideas to keep them occupied and to give you something to keep too.

These would also be perfect as cards for Nan, Nanny, Grandma, Step-Mum, Teachers… anyone you want to send some love to really!

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Do let me know if you give it a go or tag me on Instagram if you share, I’d love to see what you come up with.

Speak soon!


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